The stay of a Spanish traveler in the ecotourism of Tamargarh-Ghozi, the family of Naeem Ashuri, a young man with good taste, has been stigmatized since seven years ago, which is the result of the constant demand of foreign travelers for Bitote in the yurt (Turkmen residence) of this village.

Village ecotourism in Tamragarh Ghozi Kalaleh

According to the report of jahanegardesh, quoting IRNA, the story started from there, when on a cold winter night when snow and storms covered the region, the bell rang in the house of the only ecologist in the village of Tamrgareh Qozi. Naeem and his family woke up in the middle of the night after hearing the bell and opened the door with hospitality.

The clothes and the face of the person standing behind the door showed that he was not from Iran, and at first it was difficult for both parties to communicate.

After a few minutes and with difficulty, Naeem realized that this traveler is from Spain and is looking for a place to stay and wants to be a guest of this simple and rural accommodation for a few nights.

The Ashuri family, regardless of the financial situation of this Spanish traveler, invited him to their ecotour and hosted him for four days. John Torres’s interest in this lifestyle started from the very first night, and during his stay in this ecotourism, he helped Naeem to paint the doors and windows, install curtains and even cook food, and despite the difficulty in communicating verbally, A great bond was formed between the two parties.

A few days later, this foreign guest said goodbye to Naeem and her family and left for Spain.

About 6 months later, Naeem was shocked to see a personal message on one of the social networks. The message was from Torres, but what surprised Naeem was the text of the message that read: “Hello Naeem. I am the owner of a famous and popular tourism website in Europe and I want to inform you about ecotourism.”

Village ecotourism in Tamragarh Ghozi Kalaleh

Naeem raised this issue with his family, but none of them hesitated to advertise on this website. They sent some photos and videos of tourism and the village of Tamragareh Qozi to the Spanish guest, and after doing several stages of promotion, foreigners slowly opened their feet to this small Kalaleh village.

This Golestan tourism activist pointed to the continuation of the presence of foreign tourists in the village of Tamragarh Qozi Kalaleh and said: after uploading ecotourism information in some domestic and foreign tourism books and sites, travelers from 70 countries have visited my ecotourism residence and stayed for a few days each. They stayed there and this reception of foreign guests along with travelers and tourists from the country and Golestan province is still going on.

Naeem Ashuri said: Opening the feet of foreign guests from different countries forced me and other members of my family to learn a foreign language in order to communicate better with the guests.

He added: Currently, together with 2 brothers, a sister and son-in-law of the family, we are fluent in one or more foreign languages, including English, French, Arabic, Turkish, and Spanish, and we have tried to create an ecotourism environment for the different tastes of our guests. Provide different countries.

This Golestan tourism activist stated: The construction of a building or the conversion of a residential unit in the village into an ecotourism residence alone is not enough to attract tourists, but it should be done with the basic principles of attracting tourists, hospitality methods and its maintenance, and knowledge of tourist attractions, history, handicrafts, ethnic culture. , local and traditional dishes of the region and province and mastering at least one foreign language were familiar to attract foreign tourists.

Ashuri continued: The supervisors of rural ecotourism residences should check the qualification and capabilities of the applicants before issuing the license and at least hold a training course for them.

Village ecotourism in Tamragarh Ghozi Kalaleh

He Babian added that ecotourism seems like an easy industry from the outside, but it is actually a specialized science: lack of attention to the mentioned principles and the entry of unqualified people into the field of tourism and rural residences will cause the failure of this income-generating and job-creating industry.

This Golestan rural ecotourism industry activist, who has eight people working in his ecotourism residence during Nowruz and summer trips, continued: Proper information and advertising in the media, especially social networks and virtual space, is very effective for attracting domestic and foreign travelers and tourists.

Ashuri added: We take travelers and interested tourists on horseback to visit the forest, natural areas and plains around the village and region, while horseback riding is one of our ecotourism programs.

Located in a flat and green plain surrounded by shallow valleys, the village of Tamer Garaghozi has unique natural landscapes and significant ancient monuments, including Alexander’s Wall (Qazal Alang) and several ancient hills.

Cooking and serving a variety of local dishes of the region, especially of the Turkmen people, such as Chekdarme, Boruk and Basterme, in this eco-tourism unit, doubles the pleasure and sweetness of the trip to this region.

Ecotourism or rural tourism is a new form of popular tourism industry in our country, where instead of staying in hotels and crowded places, people go to pristine and remote villages to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. and spend a week in peace arising from this pure feature.

In a more precise sense, ecotourism tourists go to villages to live like them, eat local food like them, go to nature like them to experience and benefit from a simple and intimate village life.

Golestan province with relative advantages in the field of tourism, such as forest villages in the field of ecotourism, is considered one of the unique regions of Iran, which focus and attention can provide the basis for solving many problems and shortcomings in the development and prosperity of the village economy.

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