Javad Jalali

Media is the axis and strategy of the development tool, which if used well, can be effective in the prosperity of tourism, economic development and sustainable employment in this field. The role of other media is to identify the potential capacities,

potentials and capabilities of the tourism industry in different and pristine parts of each country.

Another use of the media, especially in the field of tourism and attracting foreign tourists, is the important issue of “marketing and advertising” and this important issue will

be realized when the capacities and potentials of our country’s tourism for foreign tourists are identified and taken into account. The most important thing is to provide the necessary facilities and platforms for their entry and reception.

Removing some restrictions, conflicts of taste and political interventions, as well as consensus and unanimity of officials can deprive Iran’s tourism economy of the share of economic income from global tourism.

Another issue that can be effective in attracting and persuading foreign and domestic tourists is the failure of the media in identifying the virgin and unknown capacities of tourism, which is called “creative tourism”.

Paying attention to the motivation and demands of foreign tourists, treating them well and with an open face, and showing the distinct characteristic of Iranians in the discussion of “hospitality” is the permanence and return of foreign tourists and self-promotion.

Among the other important issues related to this area of   discussion is attention to the necessary infrastructures and facilities, including ease of transportation, issuing visas and accommodation needs, food and offering souvenirs for foreign tourists, and the role of the media in investigating these deficiencies and exploring them. And reminding the authorities to provide these infrastructures and the needs of tourists is one of the important missions of the tourism media.

Identifying and introducing historical monuments, the history and civilization of Iran, the cultural heritage of museums and the introduction of different and significant capacities of foreign tourists, in the heart of Iran’s deserts, green nature and forests, among tribes and tribes in tangible and intangible forms of art. Handicrafts, customs and music of the regions and local foods can be effective in attracting foreign tourists and the media can play a strategic role in explaining these factors.

One of the things that the media and the guardians of the tourism industry can deal with is the discussion of using the capacities of tourism in different regions and in all seasons of the year.

When some areas of Iran are covered by snow and cold, some areas have the best and most favorable weather and the use of all capacities means that it is possible for both regions, whether cold or warm and temperate, according to the capacities It is unique and remarkable, planned, and the media can play an important role by addressing these capacities and capabilities, while helping the officials and trustees of this industry in the tourism boom.

In the end, it is necessary to point out an important point, when we mention tourism as an industry, then it is necessary to reach the important goals of this industry, it must be viewed from the two angles of “cultural” and “economic” attention of the authorities.

and be placed in charge.

Even this important issue, i.e., economic dependence on tourism, should be considered more important than oil revenues in the eyes of the trustees of this industry in our country, and the role of the media in enlightening public opinion and challenging this important issue is important.

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